Basics Of Pharmacy: Prescription And Its Parts

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Prescription And Its Parts

A prescription is a written order which is generated by the physician, dentist or another registered medical practitioner (RMP) to the pharmacist to compound and dispense medicines to the patients.

In simple words, the prescription is a piece of paper that is written by the registered medical practitioner (RMP)  according to the patient's disease condition.

Prescriptions contain not only the medicines but also contain all other important information regarding the dose of medicine, when to take it, how to take etc.

The patient, after consulting the registered medical practitioner (RMP) , goes to the pharmacy along with the prescription and hands it over to the pharmacist and then the pharmacist dispenses the medication according to the prescribed order.

The pharmacist creates a bridge between the patient and RMP by supplying the correct medicines, pharmacists not only give medicines to the patient but also gives instructions regarding the use of medicines according to the prescriber's advice.

Prescriptions are written in the native language of the area but some Latin words are also used for indication of dose instructions.

 Parts Of Prescription

A good and complete prescription consists of the following parts or components,

  • Date

  • Name & Address

  • Gender & Age

  • Superscription

  • Inscription

  • Subscription

  • Signatura

  • Signature, Address & Registration Number


The date is an important factor that ensures updation of the prescription and the date is mentioned on the prescription when a patient visits the prescriber.

The same date is mentioned on the prescription on the day when the patient is checked by the physician and this date helps pharmacists to understand that the prescription is updated and is dispensed as soon as possible.

If a patient comes to the pharmacist to dispense medicines according to the prescription which bears one week old date,it will be questionable by the pharmacist, that is it still be able to full fill patients' needs.

The date on prescription also helps to track treatment duration and to know when the last prescription was filled.

Name & Address

The name and address of the patient must be written on the prescription to ensure delivery of medicines to the right person and the complete name of the patient should be written to avoid confusion.

Gender & Age

The gender and age of the patient are also mentioned on the prescription to ensure the proper dose is prescribed.


Superscription is the symbol represented by Rx and it is written at the start of the prescription.

Rx is an abbreviation of the Latin word recipe which means "you take"


The inscription is the main part of the prescription and consists of the following,

  • Name of the medicine

  • Dose of medicine

  • When to take


This part of the prescription contains directions for the pharmacist, in case of a drug if it has to be compounded in the pharmacy.


It is indicated by Sig. and this part contains directions for patients regarding the use or administration of the medicines and all these directions are mentioned on the label of medicines if these are to be compounded by the pharmacist in the pharmacy.

 Signature, Address & Registration Number

For the authenticity of the prescription, it must bear the signatures of the prescriber on the prescription and also bear the address and registration number of the prescriber.

Also Read

Handling Of Prescription

Quality Assurance

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